Monday, November 20, 2006

Reality : To mum with love

Today is my mum's birthday day.. nothing is like making her a lovely card in her birthday :) it really feels soooooo good :) as usual; simple but serious is my style... but this time i made a "Hallmark" card thingi ;) i loved the outcome, specially the print out... it was AMAZING. I'm glad that mum loved it :)

the top image is the outside part of the card.

the bottom image is the
inside part.

the words that i had a LONG time to come up with says:

the left part:
H onorable
A ngel
P retty
P erfect
Y outhful

B eautiful
I nspiring
R ealistic
T houghtful
H elpful
D elightful
A nd...
Y et a lot more!

the right part:
words cant describe
who you are to us
speechless is what we are
when asked to talk about you

you are our guide
when the road is tuff
you are just like a star
that lightens the road through

you are always wise
never will we get enough
from your kindness and love
and we all love you

Happy Birthday mum

Note: click on the images to have a larger view


Talal Al AbdelSalam said...

Wonderful man, its just beautifull. You sure put a smile on my face. what a lovely thought and what an amazing job.

May Allah bless your Mom and you.

Ps. I loved the card alot.

moomad said...

Thanks T, really appreciated :)